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Sanding discs / flowers

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Productos más populares en la categoría Sanding discs / flowers


Whether it's hard or soft woods, fillers, plasterboard or even artificial stones, an abrasive disc is the tool you need. Select the appropriate abrasive disc according to the material and the desired result (wood, metal, stone, etc.). Würth offers you a large selection of abrasive discs so that you always get the perfect grinding result for your job.


The abrasive discs are used in various cases, for sanding paint systems resistant to scratches, to remove the dust impregnated, to rectify the paint drips and orange peel effect, to allow sanding before polishing and matting of painted surfaces.
Some discs have different uses; however, some materials can only be used on one and the same surface. Before starting to work, familiarize yourself with the material to be processed. You should also be aware of any unevenness and defects on the surface to be repaired.


The discs are made up of four layers:
- The backing material is usually sandpaper, in some cases it can be made of fabric.
- The binder is the part holding the abrasive to the support layer. It is this binder which gives the abrasive disc good durability and a true polishing quality.
- The granulated layer is the main element in the choice of the disc. The material worked determines the layer to select. It is advisable to find out beforehand about the resistance properties of the material to be ground. In addition, the use of the abrasive disc in adequacy with the worked surface will offer a better durability to the grinder.
- The topcoat binds the grains of the abrasive layer.
 There are many types of abrasive discs for a wide variety of applications. Some common variations are:
-  Daisy abrasives , preferably used to remove dust inclusions and fine imperfections.
-  Discs of dry abrasive paper , available in different grain sizes. They can be used for different surfaces. Both polishing and repairing of coarse defects are easily done. Machining edges is as easy as grinding flat parts. You keep a real flexibility of the materials, because there is a wheel adapted to each surface:

Abrasive disc for wood
Abrasive disc for car
-  Sanding discs especially designed for disc sanders. They are mainly used for working hardwood floors.
-  Nylon abrasive discs adapt particularly well to the nature of the part to be machined. They are also made without metals, considered dangerous and corrosive.
Safety first and foremost for all types of grinding work! Always make sure to wear appropriate protective clothing such as goggles, the gloves, etc... Discover the ranges flap discs, Cutting and diamond.

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